Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All Roads Lead to....South Africa?

Well, at least in my case they do! I am so excited to announce that I will be journeying to Cape Town, South Africa for 6 weeks in June and July to serve with a wonderful organization called Living Hope! I am overjoyed. There truly are no words to describe how I am feeling. I’ve known for several weeks now, but watching this begin to play out is overwhelming, in a good way of course.
Some of you that have known me for years (or only a few months) probably know about my heart for Africa and my longing to go there. Ask anyone close to me and they will tell you…I cry about very little. I’m just not a crier. But one look at a photo of a beautiful African child, a song, a video, you name it; if it has to do with Africa, you can expect waterworks from me. And that may just be one of the things that God used to get my attention; the fact that He has broken my heart for this place to the point that it brings me to tears. AND alas, it worked. Because I am GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA!!!!!!!!!! I still can’t believe it.
Having come to the realization over a year ago that it was time for me to experience life outside of the U.S., I began praying and knocking on doors for opportunities to serve overseas. The Lord has been using this waiting period for so much growth and preparation. Am I ready to serve in another part of the world, where life looks so different, and there is so much work to be done? No. But do I cling to the fact that God has called me to Cape Town with the purpose of bringing Glory to Him, sharing His story of Hope, Love, and Grace in a real and tangible way? Absolutely. Positively. Yes.
With all of that said, maybe you would like to know a little of what I will be doing while I am in Cape Town! Living Hope is an organization in Cape Town that among many other things primarily works with HIV/AID care and prevention; this, of course, being carried out in many different ways. You can go to www.livinghope.co.za to read more about their work in South Africa. Living Hope Volunteers are housed and cared for through another organization called ACTS. I met a few of these guys while they were in the States a couple of weeks for some conferences. They are wonderful wonderful people, and I am so excited to be working with them. You can go to www.actsoverland.com to read more about their work in Africa.
What will I be doing, you ask? You see, there is little tiny event. I’m sure none of you have heard of it or know about it (honestly, I didn’t). It’s called the Soccer World Cup? You heard of it? Yea. I didn’t think so. Well, it’s going to be held, among other places, in CAPE TOWN this summer!  This long awaited, much anticipated event has been in the works for years now, and South Africa is PUMPED. So much so, that they are canceling school for about 5 weeks! That’s where we come in. Living Hope and ACTS have put together a special program especially for the weeks surrounding the World Cup specifically designed to give kids something to do while being loved on with the love of Jesus and hearing the Gospel. The program consists of some teen clubs that will focus on sports and games. I get to play sports with awesome kids and share the Love of Jesus with them. Are you kidding me? This is going to be the best summer ever.
I hope that even after this novel, you will still keep up with my journey to and from South Africa J.  I am going to ask you to prayerfully consider how you can be a part of the Work that God is doing in Cape Town. First and foremost I would like to ask for your prayers during this endeavor; for both myself and the people that I will be serving. Pray that the Lord would prepare me physically, spiritually, and emotionally to meet needs in Cape Town and have boldness to share The Gospel. Pray for my parents, that the Lord would bless them for allowing me to go, and that His Peace would shower them while I am gone. Last, I ask that you pray about giving financially to this trip. In order for me to go, I must raise $.4,500. I know that God will provide, it’s just a matter of who he will use to do it. If you feel led in this direction, all donations can be sent to
8015 Huckleberry Dr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654.

I am so excited that you are going to be joining me along this journey! I will be updating this blog fairly often from here on out, so check back frequently!
Serving Him,
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
                                                                                          Matthew 25:40

Ps- At some point, I will come back and explain the name of my blog and why I chose it. I have had this blog since December, I'm just lazy and don't like writing out my thoughts. Enjoy!